PMI-RMP Exam Prep Course
Course4.9 average rating (36 reviews)In this course, you will go from feeling unsure to feeling confident about key concepts of risk management and taking the PMI-RMP® exam—20 Hours of Education. Not available in the EU/UK.
Explore the PMI-RMP Domains, Tasks, and Enablers
CourseThis is an essential resource for project managers seeking to become PMI Professional Risk Managers (PMI-RMP). Discover the knowledge and skills required to pass the exam. Earn 7 Educational Hours or PDUs. This course is not available in the EU/UK.
Power Up Your Risk Management
CourseProjects are always risky, but you don't have to let that stop you from achieving your goals. This course will help you create a risk management plan, risk register, and risk response plans to stay ahead of your risk. 3 PDUs or Educational Hrs.
PMI-RMP® Practice Test Exams
CourseWelcome to the PMI-RMP Practice Test Course which includes the same questions found in the PMI-RMP Exam Prep Course. Contains more than 220 exam questions. (Not available in UK/EU)
Become a PMI-RMP®
Course4.9 average rating (14 reviews)In this course, you will go from feeling clueless to feeling confident about the PMI-RMP® Exam with simple, straightforward answers to the most common questions about the PMI-RMP® certification process. Earn 2 PDUs.